We can have one of the three research method viz Quantitative, Qualitative and mixed method. Normally, we relate close ended questions, numbers and analysis using scientific tools with the Quantitative research while open ended questions, interviews etc with Qualitative research.
For pure science subjects like Physics, Chemistry, etc we may have rigid Quantitative method. Similarly, for most of the research topics related to languages like Hindi literature, Sanskrit, English literature, etc we may only have Qualitative research.
However, for most of the social sciences subjects like Management, Psychology, Education, etc, a mix of Quantitative and Qualitative research is possible. Depending upon topic of research, research design, we may have more of Quantitative methods than Qualitative methods or vice versa. The mixed approach may provide more complete understanding of a research problem then using any one or single approach.
Additional reading:
Creswell, J.W. (2014) Chapter One: The selection of a research approach. In: Creswell, J.W. Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE. Pp.3-23