Body language is a part of non-verbal communication which compliments the oral communication in many ways. It is the combination of body movements, facial expressions, gestures and feelings. This is an essential part of communication which assist to make it effective and engaging. The role of body language is important while giving a presentation as it holds the power to make presentation dull, static, dynamic and engaging one. Body language is a way important when the presenter is the centre of attraction and all eyes are evaluating the performance. Presenter’s strong, positive body language becomes an essential tool helps to build relevancy, expressions, and connection with listeners. It also helps the listeners to focus more intently on the speaker. Keys to be followed for the appropriate body language at the time of presentation:

  • ·           Smile is the most powerful tool to catch the attention of anyone. Presenter must have a gentle smile on face while presenting, so that the audience can feel a positive connection.
  • ·           An Appropriate posture is much needed to deliver a presentation with confident and grace. slouching while speaking makes less confident and meager as well as not appealing to the audience. A good straight back seems welcoming to the audience and make the presentation interactive.
  • ·           Positioning at the stage while delivering must be taken care, like walking at the stage should be enthusiastic not overenergetic, legs should not be crossed at the time of standing and there should be a decent gap while standing
  • ·           Moving around the stage can help a speaker make presentations dynamic, refresh speech, and make information easier to understand.
  • ·           Gestures must be open and generous so the audience to make them feel connected with the presenter. Apt use of hand movements to stress on some important matter. Broad gestures are relatable while semi-gestures are inexpressive and hard to notice.
  • ·           Eyes are the index of mind so speaker ensure generosity while delivering. Presenter must maintain proper eye contact to the audience.
  • ·           The tone, pitch of the voice should be moderate or change accordingly to the subject matter. A good presenter should know the voice modulation techniques to escape from dull, boring and plain presentation.
  • ·           Attire of the presenter also communicates the intentions of presenting. Formal attire is primary as it employs the seriousness of the presenter. Formal attire should be simple and subtle, avoid vibrant colours.
  • ·           Facial expression is an important aspect to know about the credibility and sincerity of the presenter and the presenter’s facial expression must match with the narration. An excitement of sharing the content and concern for the audience should be present in the speaker’s face.

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