Style of presentation means; in what way you give your presentation orally. When delivering public presentations there are many different styles or ways in which you can give your presentation. some of the general styles of presentation are:

  • Coach style
  • Storytelling style
  • Free form style
  • Visual style
  • Instructor style

[1]  Coach Style-
Coach-style of presentation is true to its name as in this style of presentation the presenter is ready to coach or guide the audience in full of enthusiastic manner. The speaker of this style is full of vigour and passion while presenting and detail the bigger picture of the content of presentation. The presenter coach the audience with different subject matter by role-play method and listener attention. This style is interactive in nature and the presenter tries his best to make a connection with the audience. This presentation style works best if the presenter doesn't get too deep and initiate a productive idea. The speaker generally explains the overall idea in bigger frame rather than the details of a specific idea. Some of the characteristics of coach styles are as follows:

  • Often used by the motivational speaker.
  • Audience engagement level is high.
  • Helpful in initiating a bigger idea without going in much detail.
  • Presenter is more active and passionate to deliver.
  • Role-playing method is frequently used.

[2]  Storytelling Style-
Storytelling style of presentation is quite flexible in nature. In this type of presentation, presenter delivers to the audience with the help of short-stories, anecdotes and illustrations. The speaker connects to the audience by empathizing speech and shares the subjective experience. It is a great way to entertain the audience till the end of the presentation. The speaker established a personalised connect to the audience and shares the real and enlightening stories. Some of the characteristics of story-telling styles are as follows:

  • Idea of the presentation, explained by story-telling method.
  • Empathize the audience to connect.
  • Theoretical subject matter is explained via this method.
  • It creates long-term understanding.
  • Questions/Answers session takes place at the last of presentation.

[3]  Free form style-
Free Form presentation style is alike impromptu speech where the speaker is not rehearsed and deliver according to his knowledge and life-experiences. Freeform style is direct and unrehearsed. speaker present the matter without any assistant of visual aid because it flow naturally. This presentation style is raw but the presenter holds a very deep knowledge about the delivering matter. Some of the characteristics of story-telling styles are as follows:

  • Presentation is unrehearsed and unplanned.
  • Explanation with the help of stories and humour.
  • Brief and to the point presentation.
  • Based on personal experiences and illustrations.
  • Helps in reinforcement at personal and professional level.

[4]  Visual Style-
visual style of presentation is minimal in text and tends to use bold, colurful visuals to support their presentation. The speaker depends a lot on visuals to explain like charts, diagrams, model and slides for better explanation of the subject. In this style the presenter believes that visuals compliment the explanation and make it more engaging. It is important for the presenter to style the presentation in adequate manner so a balance is maintained between display of visuals and speaking. Some of the characteristics of visual styles are as follows:

  • Display of visuals is in large quantity with styles.
  • Helpful when speaking to a large audience with broad interests.
  • It is time consuming.
  • Abstract thoughts with concrete visuals explained well.
  • Presenter delivers confidently via visuals.

[5]  Instructor style-
Instructor style of presentation are usually used to detail the subject which demands step-by- step explanation. This style is suitable for understanding the complex subject in simpler form with the presentation. The presenter delivers the presentation in a well-knitted form so it sounds engaging to the audience. Complex matter breakdowns into a logical sequence to be present with facts and figures. It helps as a foundation block in which subject matter is detailed and presented in logical style. Presenter, delivers by giving instructions with practical approach. Some of the characteristics of Instructor styles are as follows:

  • Used for complex teachings.
  • Used by teachers, teacher educators, management trainers to train internally and externally.
  • Information is presented in instructional form.
  • Helpful in delivering practical concepts.
  • Learning by doing concept is followed.

[6]  Connector style-

 Connector style as the name suggests, is used to establish connection with audience. The main objective of this style of presentation is to engage audience by various interesting presentation strategies. The speaker meticulously planned activities such that audience can relate and the session become more interactive. Activities such as Q/A, role play, situation-based reaction etc are the ways that help in maintaining connection between the presenter and listener. Some of the characteristics of Connector styles are as follows Employ the interactive activities to make audience engaging.

  • Helpful to get instant feedback.
  • Flexible to mould according to the situation.
  • Approach is problem-solving.
  • Helpful for sales presentation to influence clients and customers.

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