The term Presentation means showcasing or presenting any matter, fact or information which is relevant and true to the audience. The presentation tool should be used aptly with utmost care to deliver the information in an explicit manner. In this skill the presenter must possess the necessary qualities like orating skill, persuasive skill, presence of mind and command over verbal and non-verbal communication.

The primary purpose of the presentation is to transfer ideas or information to an individual or group of entity. The present era which is globalised have greater emphasis on good presentation skills. It plays an important role in both front external and internal of the organisation. The persuasive element is also there where presenter has to influence the customer or clients with presentation strategies.

Presentation skills are way useful in many aspects of work and life. Effective presentations are important in business, sales and marketing, training, teaching, lecturing, and generally using persuasive elements to influence a group of people.It is not confined to any boundaries and anyone can use presentation as a tool to share ideas and information. This tool becomes more effective when it is assisted with visual aids such as power point presentation, diagrams, model, charts etc.

The present time places great emphasis on good presentation skills. This is because they play an important role in persuading the clients and customers. Internally, management with good presentation skills is better able to communicate the objective and vision of the organization to the employees and externally, dealing with clients and customers to make the business more extensive and profitable.

A good and effective presentation demands a lot of preparation in the part of the presenter. Presenter diligently work to make it more interactive, interesting and relevant. Explicit planning is needed to make it engaging and a presenter has to research about the content deeply and gather all the relevant facts to be delivered to the audience. The content of presentation should always be up to the mark and it must be derived from some authentic source otherwise the presenter will be responsible for disseminating the false information. so, the presentation must be bound with the rule of relevancy.

Presentation skill demands some sort of things to make it effective like command over communication skill, self-confidence, Problem-solving attitude, presence of mind, audience handling and familiarity with technologies which assist at the time of presentation. Keeping all things in mind while delivering presentation helps the presenter to hold the audience interest and fulfill the objectives of presentation.

It is the smartest tool where the presenter, present in different ways according to the nature and circumstances. It is sometime a planned-long presentation, impromptu presentation and well- rehearsed presentation. Presentation is not all about the business exchange it is used for different occasion and reasons, such as

  • Educational or training session in school and colleges via presentations.
  •  Impromptu or short presentation to engage the audience.
  • Planned presentation to explain a specific plan or dealings internally and externally.
  • Presentation to motivate young or ignited minds in form of training sessions.
  • Sessions to counsel the personnel personally and professionally.
  • Speeches at weddings and eulogies at funerals also comes under presentation.

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