Presentation skill is a widely used term in the communication. It is a communication tool that is extensively used for delivering effective and engaging subject matter to a variety of audiences. This tool of presentation is globalised in nature and used in extensive areas. Presentation is formal in nature and used for different style of communication to transfer messages across. Generally, Presentation can be defined as the showcasing of matter and facts through verbal and non-verbal communication. It is a very vital tool for the development of business.

In the overall perspective presentation tool is used for showcasing the matter in which presenter influence the audience with their content and approach. The presenter enlightened the audience with new knowledge or give detail explanation of pre-defined knowledge. The presenter and the tools which assist the presenter is the main centre of attraction at the time of presentation. A presenter at the time of presentation applies strategies to make presentation attractive and effective.

The major concern of the presentation skill is to present simplified oral speech of any complex subject in audience-oriented manner. The presenter has the important role which must be diligently followed. To be effective, step-by-step preparation and the method and means of presenting the information should be carefully done.

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