• Presentation is a tool that is frequently used in business to develop their reach nationally or internationally.
  • The presentation skill is most influential skill where a speaker his tries best to persuade the audience by the pre-planned and rehearsed contents.
  • The role of body language is the utmost important part of a good and effective presentation where presenter uses appropriate body language for presentation.
  • Selection of style of presentation should be according to the subject-matter, audience needs, age, mental level and experiences.
  • To make presentation effective appropriate visual aids must be used so the presenter feels more confident and error free while presenting.
  • To give a sound professional presentation, speaker must organise the presentation in a sequential manner. speaker must research about the content to be present from authentic sources and planned and rehearsed in coherent manner.
  • The study of Human relations helps to develop moral ethics in behavioural terms so that the organisation’s efficiency becomes better.
  • Enterprises time to time must initiate some sort of activities so that the employees trust and integrity increases and sustain the healthy working environment.
  • Tendency to boss, narrow mindedness, selective listening and individual differences of social, cultural and economic affects the human-relations.
  • Presentation skill has a well-knit concept like active communication, active listening, concrete content and relations between presenter and audience so harmony with learning spreads all over.

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