Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. The ability to express and control one's emotion is essential, but so is the ability to comprehend, interpret and respond to other emotions positively. Though Emotional intelligence is affected by genetics but a healthy emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened. It also fosters sound empathetic qualities among individual and have healthy and energised mind.

Emotional intelligence is a very important skill to survive in the society and to strengthen the social skills. It also refers to the capability of a person to control extreme level of emotions of own as well as others. An adequate knowledge of the concept of Emotional intelligence helps every individual to understand oneself and leads them into the state of self-awareness. The person is aware about the reactions and causes of that to different kind of stimulus. The notion of emotional intelligence consisting of five different components was first introduced by Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and best-selling author. According to Cherry (2018), the 5 components of EI are- (i) Self-awareness (ii) Self-regulation (iii) Social skills (iv) Empathy (v) Motivation.

self-awareness refers to introspection of one's life, that is to have a sense of how one's actions, moods and the emotions of others take effect. It involves to keep a track on all the emotional triggers, as well as being able to identify the emotions correctly. It also includes awareness about one's strength and weaknesses. self-awareness controls the behavioural actions and the reactions to other people.

Self-regulation includes being elastic, cope up with changes, and resolving conflict. It also refers to dealing with difficult or tense situations and being aware of how one’s actions affect others and take ownership of these actions. The self-regulation helps to maintain trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability and innovation. It also helps to monitor the behaviourism in society. self-regulations help the individual to regulate the self with positive changes that maintain peace and harmony in their life.

Social skills-
People who are emotionally intelligent are able to build trust with other people, and are able to quickly gain respect from the people they meet. Highly emotional intelligent people can easily influence, communicate, manage conflict, lead, build bonds in society that make ease to survive in the society. It also helps in collaboration and cooperation among the people.

Empathy refers to being able to understand how other people are feeling. It means, the people who practise empathy are generous and have deep understanding of human relationship. They act with humility and concern the feeling of others as their own. Empathy leads good understanding, respect individual difference and develop the attitude of growing and excelling together.

Motivation, when considered as a component of Emotional intelligence, refers to intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation means that an individual is driven to meet personal needs and goals by their self, rather than being motivated by external rewards such as money, fame, and recognition etc. This component is action-oriented and driven towards goal. Such drives have a need for achievement and search for ways to improve. Motivation drives helps people to be cheerful and a sense of content to justify their goals.

Emotional Intelligence in Workplace-
A good knowledge of emotional intelligence is a valuable asset in the workplace. In certain environments, employees with high levels of emotional intelligence may be better able to cooperate with others, manage work-related stress, resolve conflicts and improve workplace relationships. It is also helpful for all the jobs as it assists the employees to maintain a balance in interpersonal relationships. In offices diverse people work in same place that vary geographically, culturally, religiously, economically with difference of perception. So, emotional intelligence helps to discard all these diversity and work in coherent and co-operative manner.

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