Each individual has a unique and different personality trait. Over the time, these traits have gone by several names and designations, but for general categorization, they are known as the director, the socializer, the thinker, and the supporter. As to make more specific, though, we refer to those personality types as A, B, C, and D, respectively. Learn and understand how to identify people by personality type can bring a higher level of understanding to interpersonal relationships and team building, especially for organisations looking for ways to improve employee hiring and retention. There is generalised categorisation of personality divided into four types which as follows:

Type- A: (The Director)

The Director type of personality is all true to the nature, drives for power and authority. It also tends to be thought-driven as opposed to emotion-driven. They are intellectuals and sharp- minded people and decisive in nature and made decision with empirical thinking. Although their perfectionist nature sometimes misleads with bossiness. They are organised, rehearsed, mindful which makes their personality way attractive and interesting.

Type A personality strengths:

  • Leadership & administration skills
  • Active and focused
  • Independent and passionate nature
  • Multi-tasking approach Type A personality weaknesses:
  • Stubborn in nature
  • Dominating by opinions
  • Impatient
  • Rigid to complete the task

Type- B: (The socializer)

The socializer personalities like to talk about themselves and be the centre of attraction at all social events. The Type B personality are known for their enthusiasm, outgoing behavior, friendliness toward others, and their ability to persuade even the most skeptical of people. They tend to be the dreamers and can often turn those dreams into reality. They are normally spontaneous in nature and use their quick wit and a great sense of humour to make people like them.

Type B personality strengths:

  • Highly Enthusiastic
  • Persuasive ability
  • spontaneous and witty
  • Good communication skill Type B personality weakness:
  • Too self-oriented sometimes
  • Short attention span
  • Generalizing attitude
  • Prone to hasty decision

Type- C (The Thinker)

The Type-C personality is a very detail-oriented individual who likes to be involved in things that are controlled and stable. They all look to accuracy, rationality, and logics. They are calm and poise kind of people who loves to deep contemplate everything which came across them. They strive for mindfulness, originality, uniqueness in every sort of what they do. These traits people are devoid from emotional swaying and use their wits and logics to perform any task.

Type C personality strengths:

  • Analytical approach
  • Thoughtful Nature
  • Abide-by Law
  • Critical thinker

Type C personality weaknesses:

  • Indecisiveness due to deep thoughts
  • Highly critical
  • Unfriendly relationships
  • Skeptical

Type- D: (The supporter)

The Type D personality takes a slower, easier pace towards their work and life in general. They seek happiness, security and longevity on the job and are very happy doing a repetitive task, day in and day out. The repetition allows them to excel in what they do. They are not adaptable to changes and like to do things in repetitive mood and seek pleasures in mundane tasks.

They seek the respect, sincere admiration, and acceptance of others. Reinforcement acts as a fuel to their work and they diligently work to get appreciation. They have a great team spirit and excel in group activity as they possess qualities like thoughtfulness, caring attitude and compassion for others. A great man power for industries, with their longevity nature of action helps in the growth of business.

Type D personality strengths:

  • Consistent in nature
  • Good at repetitive tasks
  • Reliable and have a great team spirit
  • Calm, compose and maintain peace and harmony Type D personality weakness:
  • Less Assertive
  • Not adaptable to changes
  • Meagre, not able to raise voice against wrong
  • Easily influenced by others

These above all are the general basic types which have been categorised according to the traits that is acceptable. Personality is an extensive topic which psychologists have studied with scientific approach and categorised the types of personality according to their studies. All the studies help us to understand the innate nature of personality which is quite effective to maintain interpersonal relationship in respect of individual difference.

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