"Respect every individuals identity", this phrase is quite popular nowadays to develop empathy among human-beings. We know that every individual has different nature, attitude, behaviour and personality so one must respect every individual's identity". Broadly, there are five parameters which describe an individual’s personality. These five dimensions are also called as “Big Five” Factors, and the model is referred to as Five Factor Model also abbreviated as FFM. The Five Factor Model was initially proposed by Costa & McCrae in the year 1992 and often describes the relation between an individual’s personality and various behaviours. Following are five personality traits of an individual:

  • Openness- The traits of openness are the exact to the name as the individuals with the openness to experience traits are generally very active, enthusiast, bold and follow the heart. such individuals are open to new and creative learning. They are broad-minded people and optimistic in nature which find hope in every aspects of life.
  • Conscientiousness- The people who have conscientiousness traits are organized and have a strong sense of duty towards any work. They also have a sense of responsibility and trustable persons whom anyone can rely. They are a great planner and deliver their work in an organised manner. The conscientiousness traits are very helpful for achieving a specific goal or perform a particular task. The person who has conscientiousness approach possess a good academic as well as professional record. They are proactive, methodical in nature and in long run become perfectionist.
  • Extraversion- The traits of extraversion make people social interactive and outgoing nature. They are always high in energy and steal all the spotlight of a group activity. People who comprise the traits of extraversion are amiable in nature and have a lot of social contacts. They tend to be on high energy and eager to complete the task in no time. These traits made them special in creating and nurturing social bondages.
  • Agreeableness- This trait measures the persons warmth and kindness. It means at what extent the person is flexible and agreeable to some sort of people or situations. This also reveals the attitude of an individual whether the person is broad minded or narrow minded. The person who holds these traits are less obstinate and make logical decisions while agreeing with someone. They also respect and empathetically listens to others point of view before reaching the conclusion.
  • Neuroticism- People high in neuroticism worry frequently and easily get into depression and anxiety. Neurotic traits individual worries a lot over little things in life. They show neurotic signs like hyper-activeness, speak in haste, look tensed and unstable. The nature of neurotic people is always being engaged, and even when everything is going well they tend never to feel relaxed.

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