A healthy work culture leads to satisfied employees and an increased productivity. There are some of the key characteristics of healthy work culture-

  • Employees must be cordial with each other and one must respect his/her fellow worker.
  • Backbiting should be considered strictly unprofessional and must be avoided for a healthy work culture.
  • Each employee should be treated as an asset.
  • Transparency must be encouraged to develop healthy work culture. Partiality leads to demotivate employees.
  • Employees should be judged only by their work/performance. Personal relationships should not be considered for appraisal.
  • Distribution of task/job role must be neutral. Tasks should be assigned as per skill set.
  • Appreciation of top performers is key to healthy work culture.
  • Do not criticize the ones who have not performed well, instead ask them their issues and provide more opportunities to do better in future.
  • Encourage discussions at the workplace so that they can discuss their issues among teammates/managers to reach better conclusions.
  • The team leaders and managers must interact with the subordinates frequently.
  • Manipulating information and data tampering must be prohibited at the workplace.
  • Organization must have employee friendly policies and practical guidelines.
  •  Rules and regulations should be made to benefit the employees as well Employees must maintain the decorum of the organization.
  • The “Hitler approach” cannot fit in the current scenario. The team leaders should be the source of inspiration for their subordinates.
  • Promote team building activities to bind the employees together. Conduct training programs, workshops, seminars and presentations to upgrade the existing skills of the employees.
  • Two-way communication is extremely required to maintain healthy work culture which helps employees to feel secure.
  • Do not do management, do coaching. Coaches and mentors are powerful instruments of change. Great managers encourage and empower their employees to accomplish their goals in the same way a trainer does.
  • A health work culture allows their employees to be creative. It encourages creative thinking as a way to brainstorm new products and services, structure workgroups and staffing, and complete individual assignments.
  • Provide educational assistance to the employee, by investing in the development of its staff, a business is showing them that they are valuable.
  • Must try to empower Employees. One can take feedback on their management performance from staff and then truly act on it.

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