Teamwork and team building are skills that must be fostered, and the role of the leader is undoubtedly a crucial one. A leader should possess certain attributes which will build an environment conducive enough for the people to work together as a team. A strong team needs a strong leader and the performance of the team mainly depends upon the leader’s ability to bring out the team’s potential. Communication falls as the foremost one in the list a leader should possess to kindle the team to its fullest potential. The way a leader communicates to a particular individual should be crafted to suit the concerned person to make them receptive to what he says. The information passed on by the leader should be complete to guide the team in the right manner. At the same time, it is the responsibility of the team leader to encourage the participants to communicate openly and develop a collaborative atmosphere.

Listening is again a part of communication which paves way to maintain a positive attitude among the members when they realize that their opinion or suggestion is being heard. Another important skill a leader should master is the art of time management and the ability to delegate work effectively. Some people are good at juggling with multiple tasks parallelly and complete it successfully. In such cases, it is the duty of the leader to identify such potentials and make the best use of it for the benefit of the organization. Leaders should have the knack to identify priorities and function proactively and consistently to accomplish the task. Accountability is another attribute which has to be developed in the individuals of a team and this could be done by trusting them and empowering them with the right to take decisions and work freely to achieve the organization’s goal.

Receptiveness to new ideas promotes a healthy competition and embraces creative and innovative ideas. An experienced leader knows the advantage of giving freedom to his team members according to their experience as it would maximize their contribution to the team. Any conflict that springs in a team should be addressed immediately and nibbed at the bud making the parties involved realize the importance of teamwork and transparency. A great leader has the ability to motivate and inspire the team members by connecting and engaging with them in the journey of turning the company’s vision into reality. The way a leader communicates and handles his team members has a tremendous impact on the success of the organization.

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