A team is where a group of people with different ideology and style of working come together and work single minded towards the achievement of a single goal. Roles and responsibilities are assigned based upon the behavioural tendencies of the individuals. Team roles are allotted under three categories, namely, action-oriented, people-oriented and thought-oriented role. Every category in itself has a leader, coordinator, implementer and member. Assigning responsibility and delegating the work to the right person plays a key role in the success of a team.

Action-oriented team is where the members play a prominent role in executing the plans laid down by the management or the leader. The members under this cadre are dynamic and robust in their actions. They are the shapers and have a positive attitude while handling challenges. Leaders are self-motivated people with great interpersonal skills and are capable of motivating and guiding others. It is the responsibility of the leader to ensure the smooth functioning of the team and also makes sure that everyone’s opinion is heard at meetings. Meetings are held in an organized manner with a proper agenda and the changes recommended are implemented effectively. The leader also makes sure that the members are facilitated with the resources required. It is his responsibility to set a goal, delegate the work to the right person and provide the right direction to achieve it.

Facilitator is the person who assists the members to play the role assigned to them without any disturbance. He simply makes the functioning easier for them and guide them indirectly to handle the issue at hand. The facilitator helps the leader in planning a meeting by setting the agenda and drafting the ground rules to carry out the task in hand. A good facilitator knows the art of hosting and enables a conducive environment for the members to move forward in a team and navigate through tough decisions. He plays different roles like motivator, peacemaker, guide, bridge builder, questioner etc. and engage in productive interactions and bring about a balance in the team. As a motivator he tries to maintain the momentum and pace of the team and guide them through every stage. In case of a conflict a facilitator is the first one to step into the situation and resolves it at a positive note. When people have different perspectives, he tries to highlight the similarities and raise questions as a questioner enhancing effective discussions.

Implementers are the people who implement the things as planned. They are disciplined people who carry out the needed actions to turn ideas and concepts into reality. A systematic and well- organized work is carried out to ensure maximum efficiency. Implementers are reliable and disciplined people on whom the organization always trusts as they carry out the task in hand in a methodical way within the stipulated time. They are conventional in their style of doing things and are known for their loyalty towards the organization. Implementers are reluctant to change and are comfortable with tried and tested way of doing things than innovative ideas.

Members/ Team workers-
These are the people who does the work on ground, as per the instructions and guidance provided to them. Members of the team are usually flexible and help each other for the efficient functioning of a team. They are often popular members of the team but are mostly indecisive yet disciplined and have a lot of self-control. They benefit the organization as they implement the ideas and performs the task at hand in an efficient manner. Implementers are tolerant towards each other but lack innovative skills.

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