An effective team is where people work together in coordination and contribute to the success of a team. It is where individuals come together and share their expertise with others and come to know what to expect from others. Team building is really an art and it needs a skill to build a functioning team. The different stages of a team development are as follows:


Forming stage of a team is where people get acquainted with each other and share their background, experience interest etc. Here, all the members seem to be overly polite and pleasant. During this process, everyone gains an insight on each other’s knowledge and looks for someone who could take charge of the team. At this stage, the members think as what their role should be and what could they gain from the team. After familiarizing with each other, they get to know the objective, vision, rules, deadlines etc. There is a good rapport within the team members to do the work. Team leader should take the responsibility of explaining the objectives and clearly delegate the work to every member.

The next stage in the development of a team is ‘storming’ which is a crucial stage, in which, people try to exhibit their skills, which, at times might lead to conflict as the true personalities emerge. They may come up with different perspectives and the energy of the team gets diverted in unproductive activities. It requires a strong personality and open mindedness to accept others’ opinion and embrace people with all their flaws and work together with cohesiveness. They must have the skill to overcome the obstacles and address the issues that arise in an amicable way. The differences or conflict should be addressed at the early stage or else it would take a giant form later. It is then the team members develop a sense of team spirit and responsibility towards their role in achieving the target.

At norming stage, the actual team development starts as the members overcome their differences and move past their unreal expectations of each other in a team. This unity that develops brings a consensus between the leader and the members. People start focusing on the goals and work towards its achievement in a coordinated way. It is possible that even at this stage, people would face some kinds of conflicts, but would be in a position to handle it smoothly. They feel free enough to express their true feelings and an increased acceptance of each other’s opinion is seen and this in fact paves way to build a stronger team. A meaningful brainstorming session coupled with healthy criticism increases productivity and group cohesion. Conscious effort is made by the members to resolve conflicts and work towards achieving the team goal in a harmonious way as the stumbling blocks have been shattered. The talents and skills are synergized, and a notable progress is observed as every member of the team is self-directed and has a clear sight of the vision ahead.

The performing stage is where the team is at its full force, exhibiting its skills and thereby contributing towards the achievement of the target decided. Members of the team are motivated enough to work without the need for a supervision as they have accepted their roles and are well aware, of their own strengths and weaknesses. Even the difference of opinion is appreciated and taken as an idea to enhance the productivity. Efficiency of the team sees an upward graph, as the members become committed and develop a healthy competition among themselves. A significant and measurable progress is observed as a sense of focus and belongingness of the team is finely tuned. The team leader shoulders the responsibility of steering the team in the right direction and serves as a bridge between the management and the working team rather than focusing on petty issues like conflict resolutions.

This is the last phase of a team marking the end of the project or task undertaken. Time is taken to recognize the victory of the project and a meeting is called for post completion of the task. Here the discussion is made on the way the project was handled and the things that were favourable and unfavourable are also brought to light as an attempt to rectify the mistakes committed and learn from its experience. It is also when the foundation for the next project is laid with the consent and opinion of the team. A little motivation, guidance and appreciation put together builds a highly productive team.

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