A team is a group of individuals with varied capacities, skills and tasks who work together with mutual understanding to achieve a common goal. People in a team are dependent on each other for skills, knowledge, resources to synergize and maximize their strengths. Members in a team are expected to support and help each other to excel in their skills, thus building a prosperous environment. People come together as a team to take an important decision or execute a project collaboratively. Shared set of beliefs combined with mutual trust, motivation and skills is the key component of a cohesive unit called team.

What is team-building skill?
Team building skill is the ability to bring people together and invest their skills in a common direction to accomplish a desired goal. It is where all the team members give their inputs and bring about team empowerment enhancing organizational productivity. Team building enhances the interpersonal relations of the members involved in a team and aligns their skills towards a specific goal. Cohesiveness in a group improves the effectiveness of a team as the responsibilities are shared. The output an effective team produces excels the sum of total output that could have been produced by every individual. It also provides ample opportunity to learn and expertise in a particular field. A collaborative team is motivated with high morale and achieves greater productivity.

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