• Conflict is something which arises in any organization or relationship leading to several negative consequences in many cases.
  • It really needs a knack to address and handle it effectively without causing any strain to the relationship or the productivity of the organization.
  • Conflicts are of different types and similarly there exists various strategies to resolve it. When one understands the root cause of the issue and the form it takes it could be easy to bring a conducive environment through consensus.
  • Keeping the relationship in mind, emphasis should be to create a common ground through innovative thinking skills after a clear and open-minded communication.
  • The different strategies or the essential skills mentioned above to resolve conflicts could be implemented with a respect and value to differences in view of the long-term timeframe.
  • The world is not in need of people who are always right or good, but people who show empathy towards their fellow beings and compassionate with each other.

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