Conflict is always perceived in a negative sense, but certain conflicts can be beneficial for the organization leading to its productivity. Conflicts could be majorly classified as functional and dysfunctional conflict, Intra-personal, Inter-personal, Intra-team, Inter- team conflicts.

Functional conflict is perceived to be healthy as it is associated with the policies and goals of the organization. Difference of opinion in these aspects ends up in having creative solution to the existing problem. On the other hand, dysfunctional conflict springs out of personal difference of opinion and may not be work related. Such conflicts hamper the productivity of any individual and creates an unhealthy atmosphere. Functional conflict stimulates change, group cohesion and innovative solutions, while dysfunctional conflicts lead to stress, diversion of energy inducing disequilibrium in an organization.

Intrapersonal conflict-
This conflict arises at the individual level and does not include the involvement of any outsiders. This arises within an individual due to lack of progress in attaining a set goal or role conflict (the activities or the position of the individual). Goal conflict is said to be the confusion or the problem in choosing or setting a target. This is the psychological conflict between should and wants and is influenced by one’s beliefs, family values, environment and enticing things that is surrounding us. Intrapersonal conflict leads to restlessness and people who go with the flow without pondering much are saved from this mental unrest. To conquer one’s self is the most difficult,  yet important thing. Decision making is tough and need not be right always, but once decided we should know and have the will power to stick to it at any cost.

Interpersonal conflict-
Interpersonal conflict is the conflict between two or more people, and it can be at the organizational level or personal level when there are different perceptions on a concept, incompatible goals or scarce resources. When one person or a group of people interferes and causes hindrance to others intentionally, it leads to a conflict. This could be expressed verbally as arguments or non-verbally like turning a cold shoulder to the person concerned.

In an organization interpersonal conflict could be vertical and horizontal conflict. Vertical conflict also known as hierarchical conflict is that which arises between superiors and subordinates. This could be because of the work pressure or the attitude of the superior to have a complete control over the subordinates or an undue expectation from the juniors. The subordinate may resist such kind of behavior from his superiors which he feels that is being exercised beyond his limitations leading to resentment and the latter feels that his control is being thwarted. This perception may be existing or may be due to misunderstanding or lack of communication between both the parties involved.

Horizontal conflict at interpersonal level could be between people at the same hierarchical level in an organization. Here individuals interact with each other for the purpose of giving or taking information, advice, counsel, or to take assistance in any technical related issues where the other person could be an expertise. Interactions related to these things may be cooperative or even at times might end in conflicts depending upon the nature of people involved and the issue might escalate when derogatory remarks are exchanged.

Causes of interpersonal conflicts-

  • Ego states– People while interacting have a particular attitude or ego state in the way they think, feel, or behave in a particular situation. When this attitude or ego state of mind is not complemented, then there arises a conflict between the communicating parties.
  • Varied beliefs– Every individual is said to have their own perception of a situation and this greatly depends on the environment in which they live and the inherent values of their family. Thus, people having different value systems have different perceptions and this becomes a basis for the conflict.
  • Socio-cultural factors– People hailing from different castes, religion, region, and family upbringing have varied interests and this could be a cause for conflict.
  • Interest conflict– Conflicts may happen when people have different interest, and this is not on the basis of people’s nature but depends on the situation.

Intra-team or Intra group conflict-
This refers to the conflict which occurs between members of a same group or team or an organization. Intra-group conflict is inevitable and is marked by verbal disagreements further bringing about a rift in a team or a group. Conflicts in a team need not be negative always, it could be healthy and constructive one, leading to increased productivity. This is again of two types as task based, which is work related and the relationship conflict, which is emotional difference between two employees. The former one is a healthy conflict, and the latter is stressful and can be difficult to manage.

Inter-team or Inter-group conflict-
Every organization irrespective of its size and nature have several groups formally or informally. This could be hierarchy based or interest based, where people of same ideas cling together for various reasons. Different groups in an organization interact with each other for the effective functioning and productivity. This interaction may create harmony and cohesion among the members or might lead to collision or conflict. Factors like incompatible goals, resource sharing, task interdependence and attitude could trigger conflicting situations. Intergroup conflict leads to changes both within the members of the group and the others. Problems aggravate and situations worsen when the energy is diverged, and the group loses focus on the goals and norms of the workplace. Ignoring minor issues, problem solving and having an in-house alternate dispute resolution could be some measures adopted to circumvent conflicts. An open unprejudiced communication can aid in bridging the gap or focusing on different ideas of common interest and de-emphasizing the difference could diminish the prevailing tension. This approach is a short-term remedy and could be adopted for simple conflicts.

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