Time Management-

We all have very limited time; this is very clear. Time is asset for all of us, but I think we all are not well aware about this truth. Possibly, the time management is making the best use of your time to complete your tasks in the priority basis. You have no control over time as it passes, but you are the sole decision-maker of how you will spend your time. Therefore, time management is all about controlling how you make the best use of your time. As we all know it moves from past, present to future.

Time management is essential to avoid unnecessary stress in between your daily life where poor time management is a major cause of stress. The efficient management of your time helps you to manage your tasks, achieve your goal, and increase productivity. Time is a resource, as a resource it cannot be replaced or renewed it can only be managed wisely. It is precious for an individual as well as for an organization. Nothing can be managed unless time is managed. It is indispensable and innovation are necessary for proper management of time. Why one should manage his/her time? Now this question is needless. Here are some of the reasons of time management, As-

  • Time is limited, so that spend it as a limited resource.
  • Time management is the key to success in your carrier.
  • The great learning opportunities are around you, if you have time to take the advantage of it.
  • Poor time management directly affects your health and eating habits, you will always feel lack of time in your life.

Stress Management-

We all experience stress in our lives. Stress is your body’s response to changes in your life. Your life involves constant changes, ranging from every day, routine changes like- commuting from home to work, to adapting to major life changes like- marriage, divorce, or death of a loved one's. Majority of health problems are caused or influenced by stress. It is important to understand how stress affects our body and learn effective stress management techniques to reduce stress in your life.

Someone can not eliminate all the stress from his/her life but can eliminate unnecessary stress and effectively manage the rest (now which is not known as stress). There are some common causes of stress that many people experience. Stress can come from many sources, because our experience of what is considered "stressful" is created by our unique perceptions of what we encounter in life, a situation may be perceived as "stressful" by one person and merely "challenging" by someone else.

The four A's technique is helpful to release unnecessary stress, as- Four A’s: avoid, alter, adapt, and accept.

[1] Avoid- Avoid unnecessary stress.

How to avoid unnecessary stress? The answer is very simple- (i) Learn how to say “no.”, (ii) Avoid people who stress you out, (iii) Take control of your environment, and (iv) Write down your to-do list.

[2] Alter- Alter the situation.

How to alter the stress situation? The answer is- (i) Express your feelings instead of retaining them up, (ii) Be willing to compromise, and (iii) Create a balanced schedule.

[3] Adapt- Adapt to the stressor.

How to adapt a stressful situation? The answer is- (i) Reframe problems, (ii) Take perspective of the stressful situation and ask yourself how important it will be in the long run, (iii) Adjust your standards, and (iv) Practice gratitude.

[4] Accept- Accept the things you can’t change.

How to accept the stress situation? The answer is- (i) Do not try to control the uncontrollable, (ii) When facing major challenges, try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth, (iii) Learn to forgive, and (iv) Share your feelings.

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