The word ‘Leader’ is taken from the word ‘leader’ in old English meaning ‘to guide’, bring forth’, ‘guidance’, ‘transformation’ etc. The word ‘leadership’ is a noun, leader+ship meaning position of a leader. Leadership is the process of motivating and influencing others to work willingly and enthusiastically to achieve predetermined goals. However, leadership has a different meaning to different people starting from leading a family to running a multinational organization. Even in varied situations the qualities of a leader remain the same while the skills differ according to the needs of the organization or the situation. A leader has an important role in both personal and professional life. He is the one who pushes people to bring out their best in order to achieve the common goal in a given situation. They extend the guidance needed for an individual to extend his contribution to the organization with great zeal and enthusiasm.

Who is a leader?
The world has seen innumerable people who had taken the position of a leader. But all were not motivating and inspiring, as some were ruthless, inhumane, and destructive creating chaos amidst the people. A true leader is someone who can motivate people by creating a positive impact in them. Great leaders have the ability to forecast things and make a strategic planning with a decisive vision and persuade the followers to take that direction. They are skilled enough to connect with people and make them work to make a vision into reality. A great leader serves as the spine of a successful organization. An effective leader has consistency and exhibits broad range of leadership attributes to get the job done. The objective of leadership is not just getting a work done or achieving a stated goal but accomplishing the task in a specific way which requires the involvement of the people whole heartedly.

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