Objective Type Questions-
a)         Leadership is the ... ... ... of motivating and influencing others to work willingly and enthusiastically.

b)        is all about having a vision and developing a commitment to achieve it.

c)         Laissez-Faire leader exhibits his authority to the minimum and gives liberty to the people to express their potential.      (True/False)

d)         Leadership skills is not an important quality for career prospects. (True/False)

e)         A democratic leader is one who ...

[a]  allows the team members to voice their opinion.

[b]  Tries to control and dominate the team members.

[c]  Simply delegates the work.

[d]  Doesn’t encourage innovative and creative ideas.

f)   Leadership is all about ...

[a]  motivating and inspiring people

[b]  implementing rules and regulations

[c]  controlling and commanding

[d]  delegation of work

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