Descriptive type questions-
a.         What is the quality of a leader? Define with example.

b.         How leadership differ from managerial activities?

c.          What is SWOT analysis? Where it is used?

d.         Describe the major functions of planning.

e.          What do you understand by human perception?

f.          Explain the tips for understanding people.

g.         What are the characteristics of soft skills?

h.         Write a note on self-management.

i.           What do you mean by self-actualization? Explain the differences in ideas between Abraham Maslow and Kurt Goldstein’s concept of self-actualization.

j.          Why we need spiritual intelligence?

Objective type questions-
a)         Leaders and managers are considered as same person. (True / False)

b)         Heredity is an inborn factor that influences our personality. (True / False)

c)         Decision making is not the important outcome of planning. (True / False)

d)         Dependability is a characteristic of Soft Skill. (True / False)

e)         Self-actualized person is always self-centered. (True / False)

f)          USP Analysis … … ...

g)         Scenario Analysis is a process of analyzing the.............. events.

h)         To develop spiritual intelligence, we need to do … … ...

i)          SMART stands for … … ... … … ...

j)          Abraham Maslow was a prominent … … ... … … ...

Answer (Objective Type Question)-

[a] True         [b] True         [c] False         [d] True         [e] False

[f] Unique Selling Proposition           [g] Future        [h] meditation and yoga

[i] Specific, Measurable, Agreed to, Realistic and Timely     [j] Psychologist

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