• Leadership and personality both are the hidden power as well as the key factors of success.
  • The words "leader" and "leadership" are often used incorrectly to describe people who are actually managing.
  • The word "leadership" can bring variety of images in mind. It could be a political leader, an explorer or an executive.
  • A PEST analysis is a strategic business tool used to find out, estimate, sort out, and track the economic factors which can have an impact on               business in the current situation and in the future.
  • SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position and to             develop strategic planning.
  • The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character is known as personality.
  • Heredity refers to the influences on our personality that we are born with.
  • Planning can be described as an intellectual process which is the key factor of any business or organization that develops various cases of                    action, by which the organization can achieve those objectives.
  •  Decision making is the most important outcome of planning.
  • Goal setting is a process that identifies what we want to achieve and creating a plan to achieve those desired results.
  • SMART goal-setting process is when setting goals in Specific, Measurable, Agreed to, Realistic and Timely.
  • Perception is the process of getting, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information.
  • Humans have five basic senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste.
  • Soft skills are a combination of many skills like social skills, communication skills, character or personality, attitudes, social intelligence and emotional intelligence.
  • Self-management means the ability to manage the daily tasks of our live. This is the ability that allows people to control their thoughts,   feelings and actions.
  • Self-actualization means the need for personal growth and development that may exists throughout our life.
  • Abraham Maslow was a prominent psychologist most known for his contributions to humanistic psychology.
  • Spiritual intelligence is a term used to describe the understanding of life.
  • To develop spiritual intelligence, it is important to commit time to a regular practice, such as meditation and yoga.

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