The handshake- A strong, but not too strong handshake is a power move. Take control and give a firm handshake when you meet a manager and when you leave the interview.

  • Body language- Simply sitting up straight, looking at who is speaking to you and keeping still makes a huge difference in your appearance.
  • Posture is important- Sitting up straight and planting your feet gives you confidence without you even knowing it.
  • Be confident- Never underestimate how valuable you are. Be confident in your work, personality, and skills.
  • Stay Positive- Negative comments about former employers and lack of enthusiasm is not a good signal in the context of job interviews. Remain enthusiastic and maintain eye contact with interviewers as much as possible.
  • Always listen- Always listen carefully, then start answering.
  • Stay Calm- Even if the interviewers asked unexpected questions or role-play activities unannounced, present calm and collected appearance throughout the interview to prove your capability.
  • Bring a notebook, your resume, and a pen- Always keep a notebook, CV (minimum 2 copies) and a pen with you.
  • Attitude- Attitude is a very important factor during interview, show a positive attitude, smile and act happily.
  • Give specific examples- Your answers should relate to your work so be specific and knowledgeable about what you have done.

  • Decide when to talk, when to remain silent.
  • Answering the interview questions- Some questions may take time for you to answer properly, do not be afraid to ask for a moment to ensure you have an accurate answer.
  • Presentation Skills- Many interviews will involve giving some form of presentation – whether it’s prepared or not. Ensuring you appear confident, eloquent, and informed is essential to scoring top marks during any presentations.
  • Follow up with a Thank You Note- Send thank you note immediately after the interview. A thank you note can be sent via email.

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