There are the following tips to prepare well for the interview-

a) Carefully analyse the job description
You should go through the job description, where the employer describes the qualifications and desirables.

b) Make a match with the job
After going through the job description, prepare a list of your assets and match them to the job requirements.

c) Prepare examples of your accomplishments
Better to saying something, share your accomplishment that proves your skills. Focus on how you utilized your skills in such a harsh situation; get success as a leader/team member.

d) Research the Company
Use any search engine (e.g. Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and YouTube) to gather relevant information about the organization, look for product or service reviews, collect information about the organization and their competitors, read their annual reports/ progress reports (if available).

e) Examine the organization's website
In today's scenario, almost all organizations have their own website. Start with the home page of the website and carefully read the "About us", "Vision", "Mission" page,

etc. Also, get familiar with the products or services, press release (if any) and key officers/founders.

f) Check the LinkedIn and Facebook Company Profiles
After getting the information about the company from various sources, you will be able to understand more and more things about the company. Company’s social media accounts help a lot to understand about services/products offered by the company.

g) Use Google, YouTube, and LinkedIn and other social media platforms to research any names (if you have)
Hopefully, you know the names of the people who will be interviewing you. You may find that you have something in common with someone interviewing you. Try to get a sense of the kind of people who work there. Also, try (If interviewer has written and posted) to read the articles on LinkedIn or any other websites written by the interviewer.

h) Practice Interviewing
Do practice answering interview questions that you probably think may be asked. This activity will enhance your confidence level during the interview.

i)  Get your interview clothes ready
Have an interview outfit ready to wear at all times, so you don't have to think about what you are going to wear while you are scrambling to get ready for a job interview.

j) Decide what to bring for a job interview
Make a list of things you need to bring for an interview before getting ready for the interview so, that you can get relaxed at the time of job interview.

k) Practice interview etiquette
Remember to greet your interviewer and everyone else you meet politely, pleasantly and enthusiastically. Proper interview etiquettes are important. During the interview, watch your body language; shake hands firmly and make eye contact as you articulate your points. pay attention, be attentive, and look interested.

l) Listen and Ask Questions
Listening is just as important as answering questions during interview. If you are unable to pay attention, so, you are not going to be able to give a good response. Also, be ready to engage the interviewer, if one to one conversation is there.

m) Prepare for the salary expectation question and negotiation

Get ready to face the salary negotiation related questions. Prepare yourself well with the lower limit of the offered salary and what you expect. Also, get ready to justify your expected salary with acceptable justifications.

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