• Writing skill is an essential part of communication as it allows an individual to transfer their thoughts, ideas, suggestions and opinions in an effective way. Good writing skill is part and parcel of life, as it helps an individual to embark their career professionally.
  • A letter is a written message that can be handwritten or typed. Letters whether formal or informal have some sort of format and layout.
  • Formal letters are written for official purposes to authorities, dignitaries, colleagues, seniors, etc and not to personal contact or family members.
  • Informal letters are mainly used for personal communication.
  • In general term, Demi-official letter is defined as the letter that communicates official correspondence along with personal news is called demi-official letter or demi- government letter.
  • Bio-data means biographical data.
  • Resume is a word originated from the French word means summary. Education, skills & employment summarized together is called a Resume.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) can be defined as a Latin word meaning is “Course of Life”. As the meaning suggests, it consist all the details of an individual in elaborated manner. It consists of information like qualification, job description, and specification, technical skills in detail, hobbies, strengths, weakness, rewards, etc each in detail as you are describing the summary of your life.

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