When a person starts to think about writing a proposal, he draws a draft, the outlines that are essential for his objectives. Here, two things are to be remembered. One is, what things have to be taken care of before starting to write a proposal, and second is the steps while he starts to frame the proposal. Here, this process is divided into two ways:

[i]  Points to be remembered before starting to write a proposal.

[ii]  Steps to be taken while framing a proposal.

Points to be remembered before starting to write a proposal

  • First of all, choose the audience and area in which you want to start working or that belongs to your interest and challenges you.
  • Find out the right topic in which you are capable of doing work.
  • Concise your work/ problem.
  • Do research to find out the information regarding the research problem.
  • Draw an outline for investigating the research problem.
  • Make notes and organize them.

Steps to be taken while framing a proposal
The best way to write a proposal is to put all of the information in a concise and less descriptive way. It helps a writer to get what he wants. It is an idea to ask permission to execute or to get action on. It is a well-structured offer. A proposal generally consists of:

a)  Title- It consists of the keywords for indexing. It is important because it defines the problem in brief. It should be short and simple, along with the keywords.

b)  Abstract- It is of about 150-200 words. Basically, it is the summary of how the work would be carried forward and what are the objectives, scope, and expected outcome.

c)  Introduction- It is a hook to start out the proposal. This makes sure a reader understands why this proposal is to be chosen. In this, the writer uses some background information to get the readers in the zone. A good hook should explain exactly what you could do for their business. A writer could make attractive promises like schemes, discount, offers, etc.

d) State the Problem- After the introduction, the proposal will set a body to discuss the purpose of the problem. In this section, it explains the reason and need of discussing the problem. Why it is worth looking for and how it is needed to understand to get the solution for the problem.

e) Plan- Plan helps in fixing the issue that is needful to convince the reader. In this, the writer discloses all the facts regarding the plan so that audience may take this seriously.

f) Solution to the Problem- This is written to convince the reader. It includes the proposed action whatever is beneficial for the proposed problem. It also includes the recommendation for the solution of the problem for the readers.

g) Costs- List of costs in a business proposal must be explained in the proposal. It can help out the reader to decide whether or not they would be able to afford a particular product/ services. In addition to this, the writer also should disclose additional financial benefit that will be received by the reader after making the purchase.

h) Conclusion- This is the final stage of a proposal. It restates the problem and the proposed solution. To encourage the reader to act on the proposal, it should end with a positive note.

Things to remember while writing a proposal-

  • The proposal should be well-structured, well-researched, short, and simple.
  • It assures that the rationale for the project is clear and carries worth.
  • The means (methods) of completing the project are logical and well defined.
  • The scope of the project is feasible regarding time frame and resources.
  • The project and the proposal are thoughtful, reflective, and meaningful connecting with project future plans.
  • Keep on focusing on those people who can be helped with the proposal and proposal writing.

Checklist after writing the proposal-
A writer must be assured about the information that he has written in the proposal before it reaches the audience:

  • It has been carefully read, and it follows the instructions for completion of the grant or fellowship proposal.
  • Writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct.
  • The order and structure of the presented proposal description follow that of writer’s abstract.
  • Corresponds about the budget has been outlined. Calculation & total of the proposed costs have also been checked for its accuracy.
  • Objectives are clear, and the scope of the project is feasible.
  • Proposed work should be explained in such a manner that individuals who do not have knowledge in this field can also understand.
  • Carefully proofread and then share the proposal with others for clarity and accuracy.

Importance of writing a good proposal-

a) Plan for work- Proposal is a plan or an idea for the work to be done. It mentions the outlines and designs the way how a seller satisfies his buyer. It is helpful to quantify and analyze each hazard.

b) Justify the Claims- Through a proposal; the seller can justify the claims with extensive information that has been written in a proposal.

c) Provide Statistics- Proposal also provides statistical analysis of how a proposer will accomplish the objectives within time and cost what he has produced.

d) Communicates the Information- Proposal is an informative document. It is made in a way that it contains all that information that is useful to increase the sale and marketing of the product.

e) Solve the Problems- It explains explicitly how to meet out the requirement of a client what he wants to resolve.

f) Decrease Duplication- A proposal helps in decreasing the duplication of previously used information which is unavailable due to change with occupancy status.

g) Minimize the Risk- Risk can also be minimized through a good proposal because proposal manages the method in such a way to carry out the work done positively.

h) Improve awareness of employees- It outlines the steps, and include details of the actions taken to improve employee awareness and training is also provided accordingly.

i) A proposal can also be used as continuation, renewal or supplemental document.

Basic project proposal sample-

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