Paragraph writing-
Genres of writing are known as types of writing. Literary genres and professional genres both have their own importance. From a small sentence to an essay, writing comes across a number of elements and covers a number of styles. According to the syllabus, we will discuss paragraph writing, essay writing, technical writing, and literary writing one by one.

A paragraph is a group of sentences by which the author keeps his ideas (central) and tries to brainstorm logics behind the writing. A well-structured paragraph can be the backbone of any literature. Length of literature decides a number of paragraphs and the length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys. A paragraph has a sequential series of sentences. This is because the reader could know the organization of thoughts in an essay or any literature (writing) and subdivided to define the beginning and end. It might describe a place, character or process; it may narrate or compare a series of events.

Definition of paragraph writing-
According to Lunsford and Connors, “A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit”

“A paragraph is a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences, deals with one point or gives the words of one speaker, and begins on a new usually indented line. “Or it can be defined as “Paragraph has sequential series of a sentence”.

Paragraph Structure-

Describing, comparing, contrasting or controlling information can all be used to structure a paragraph by following these points:

  • Topic Sentence: Topic sentence is a focus sentence. It organizes the entire paragraph. This topic sentence summarizes the main idea of a paragraph.
  • Supporting Idea: This supports the main idea, means, it is more focused on arguments that strengthen the main ideas.
  • Adding Detail: To bolster the paragraph writing, add a few sentences. These sentences describe the details of the further storyline.
  • Concluding Sentence: This concluding sentence in a paragraph brings closure to the main idea. This is a final thought about the topic on which they are writing. Generally, this sentence starts with: therefore, overall, thus, finally, lastly, for this reason, and so on.

Characteristics of paragraph writing-

In writing, paragraph formation is most essential. A small paragraph presents the whole picture of the objective for writing. A good paragraph has these characteristics:

  • Unity: The whole paragraph represents a single sense or thought. As the paragraph is made by group of sentences that depends on each other.
  • Order: In a paragraph, sentences are organized in a sequence. That’s why a paragraph contains a series of sentences. This series connects each other to present the main idea effectively. So, it follows the specific step by step order.
  • Content Length: No one likes to read a long paragraph because it deviates the reader’s mind and makes it boring. It concludes that a good paragraph is the one that have a proper length of content.
  • Coherence: Paragraph presents the sentences in coherence. All sentences of a paragraph should relate to each other.
  • Binding: This is the main characteristics of paragraph writing. It bounds a reader to read. The reader feels interesting to continue reading.

Steps to Write a Paragraph-

To construct a fine paragraph, a writer should follow these steps:

  • Decide the topic of your paragraph
  • Develop a topic sentence
  • Demonstrate your point
  • Give your paragraph meaning
  • Conclude
  • Look over and proofreading

Essay Writing-
The word ‘essay’ is derived from Latin word “exagium” which means ‘presenting a case’ and from French word ‘essayer’ which means “to try” or “to attempt”. An essay has everything that needs to be said. An essay contains a selection of topic, critical evaluation, organization, and presentation of facts. It is considered synonymous with a story or a paper or an article covering the serious topics. An essay can be formal as well as informal.

Definition of an essay-

A famous English essayist, Aldous Huxley defines essays as “A literary device for saying almost everything and anything”. According to Oxford Dictionary, ‘Essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject.”

Characteristics of good essay writing-

  • Well Developed-An essay has a series of paragraphs. All paragraphs connect with each other to come out at the end and describe the story in short. All it is well developed by an essayist.
  • Discipline- Essay is not too short as a paragraph. It makes a chain of thoughts and keeps a picture before the audience as a short story. It is descriptive in nature.
  • Unambiguous-Essay is written to the point and focus on any serious topic or any event. It should be written univocal, always maintaining the main content of the essay.
  • Subjected- Good essay writing consist subjectivity with the topic. An essayist always maintains a great intonation till the completion of essay.
  • Argumentation- If the author wants to make an essay reading interesting and binds the reader; he tries to put arguments and disagreements in the essay. So, a good essay must be argumentative.
  • Anecdotal- An essay covers a story or an event or a serious topic. It can be biographical, incidental, accidental, or historical. To narrate any of them may be helpful to the society. An essay is aimed to show writers personal opinion about the subject.
  • Organized-An excellent essay organizes all paragraphs in such a way that conveys full information to the readers. It represents an order to structure an essay.

Types of Essay Writing-
a) Definition Essay: The point of this type of essay is to explain something on a higher level than dictionaries do. Definition essay aims to define the subject in a few sentences.

b) Compare and Contrast Essay: An essay can be written upon on differences and similarities between objects or event. This type of essay is known as a compare and contrast essay.

c) Cause and Effect Essay: Essay reminds a study where essayist writes to show what cause has led to a particular result. This type of essay shows the logical connection between cause and effect.

d) Process Essay: Basically, this type of writing is used to write a paper. It requires the same level of understanding of the subject, and it works.

e) Argumentative Essay: This type of essay writing aims to change the reader’s attitude towards something. It is written to manipulate people’s thoughts to create their interest.

f) Critical Essay: This critical essay presents the writer’s thought analytically. It defines ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ consideration of the problem. The purpose of writing this type of essay is to focus on weak and strong features of something (problem).

g) Expository Essay: Writer’s own experience is presented in an expository essay. It requires a lot of knowledge about the subject. Expository essays are the exposition of the writer’s knowledge and research.

h) Persuasive Essay: The topic of this type of essay is related that are relevant here and today. Persuasive essays are very tough and influential. These essays require a better understanding of the subject and goodwill.

i) Descriptive Essay: A descriptive essay describes a place, an object, an event in depth. One clever way to do that is to evoke the senses of the reader.

j) Narrative essay: It is like storytelling, about a certain event in personal life. Events, for example: watching cinema, festival celebration, etc are written in this form. Usually, it is written in the first person.

Tips for Writing an Excellent Essay-

  • Keep the word limit of an essay short. It should not be too long for the reader to feel bored. The limit should be between 300-500 words.
  • An essay must be traversed around the central idea giving an appropriate and interesting title so that the readers can create interest to read it.
  • Keep the language simple and crisp.
  • It must be free from grammatical errors.
  • Before starting to write an essay, the writer should re-look into the thought and organize it in a sequential manner.
  • Proofread again and check the errors.
  • End the essay with completing a subject.

Steps to be taken while writing an essay-

  • Develop a topic.
  • Taking critical notes and read carefully by conducting research
  • Create a research statement
  • Integrated research evidence is used in formally formatting the essay
  • At last, edit, view, and revise.

Difference between paragraph and essay writing-

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