Mainly four types of writing styles are seen, but some other types of styles are also here as under:

a) Expository Writing: This type of writing focuses on accepted facts. It does not include the author’s views/ ideas and is totally based on the demand of the audience. In this style, the writer tries to explain those concepts which are accepted by a wider audience. Textbooks, recipes, news stories, business articles are some examples of expository writing.

b) Descriptive writing: This style describes a character, an event or a place in detail. The writer draws a picture as he likes, feels and notices. The author uses various adjectives, idioms and adverbs to makes the picture vivid for the readers. This style is used to write fictional stories/ novels/ poetry, journals, diary writing, and nature writing.

c) Narrative writing: Narrative writing is slightly different from descriptive writing. Unlike the descriptive writing, in this style author can create characters that carry a strong detail. It can be a fictional or non- fictional story. Writing stories requires a lot of imagination and effective writing skills to convey it to the readers. We can say, it uses creative writing on facts and figures, and not much attention is needed. It frames dialogues, events, actions, emotions, novels, poetry (especially epic sages or poems), anecdotes, and oral histories are some examples that are written in this style.

d) Persuasive writing: As the word sounds, persuasive writing is written to persuade readers about what the author has written. It includes opinion justification, explanation, and personal point of view of the author. By his writing, he tries to convince the audience of a position or belief. In other words, we can say this style is “argumentative style”, cover letters, editorial newspaper article, review of items, letter of recommendation come under this category. Generally, the writer’s biasness with the thoughts and opinion is seen as evidence of the correctness of their position.

e) Objective writing: This is formal writing which uses facts and evidence. It statistically and scientifically proves the reason so that the reader could make his/her own opinion. In this style, the words like always, very and never are used.

f) Creative writing: As the name suggests, this writing is an art. This is not professional writing. It’s aesthetic writing which is originated from author’s imagination. Horror, crime, biographies, screens writing, script writing all come under this type of writing style.

g) Review writing: Review means analysis and to check or inspect any place, product, service or anything. The author writes his views/ experiences about books, product and soon. The best example of this is an online review about the product. It requires both persuasive as well as descriptive writing skills.

h) Subjective writing: This is an opinion-driven writing and follows the subjective approach. It is originated from the author’s own experiences and observations. Basically, it is an insight feeling in the form of writing, which is the author’s own unique perception.

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