Descriptive type questions (Short questions)
a)         What do you mean by skill writing?

b)         Define a sentence.

c)         What is Diction?

d)         Write the steps for writing a paragraph.

e)         Define technical writing.

f)          What is literary writing?

g)         Write any four functions of literary writing.

h)         What are the main differences between paragraph and essay writing?

i)          Which are the types of error regarding ‘comma’? Explain in brief.

j)          What steps should be taken by an author for good writing?

Descriptive type questions (Long questions)
a)         What is a writing skill? Explain its component and importance.

b)         Explain the types of sentence.

c)         Define Diction. Explain types of diction and the importance of diction in writing?

d)         How is a paragraph structured? What steps should be taken for writing a paragraph?

e)         Define an essay. How many types of essay are used in writing? Explain the differences between an essay and paragraph writing.

f)          What genres are used in technical writing? What are the main differences between technical writing and literary writing? Discuss.

g)         What type of errors commonly occur while writing? Explain in detail.

Objective type questions-
1)         Writing skills are such ………… abilities that present the ideas and information in a nice written         for others to understand and feel them.

2)         In.................. writing, a writer tries to explain those concepts which are accepted by a

wider audience.

3)         ………………is statistically and scientifically proved the reason so that the readers could make their own opinion.

4)         To store writing is a tool as a document and records which cannot possible in


5)         The............................. of words in a sentence is called sentence structure.

6)         Correct.................. is necessary to explain complete sense.

7)         Two or more simple sentences are written jointly are called                                                                                  sentences.

8)         A sentence shows the command, order or request is called                                                                                   sentence.

9)                                is the choice and use of words in speech or writing.

10)                                 refers to non- standard language as a regional language.

11)      A paragraph is a ………….. of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences.

12)      A paragraph contains a............. of sentences.

13)      An essay has series of ……………….

14)                                       can be biographical, incidental, accidental or historical.

15)      In....................... writing, machine is used.

16)      …………..writing is creative writing.

17)      Poem, story, and novel are the genres of.................... writing.

18)      …………………… dominate technical writing and                                                                                  dominates the literary


19)      The.................. goes after the first clause and before the coordinating conjunction that

separates the clauses.

20)      A dangling modifier is a......................... that modifies a word not clearly stated in the


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