Interpersonal skill is the ability to communicate socializes and builds relationship with others. This is also called as ‘People skills’ and includes the innate personality of a person to handle a social situation. Effective interpersonal skills are vital for career advancement and are an asset to steer through change and daily tasks. This includes active listening, teamwork, responsibility, leadership quality, patience, empathy, etc to name a few.

Importance of listening in a relationship is quintessential. Listening or Active Listening is the process where a person listens to others to gather information and connect with the speaker. In this type, the listener avoids any kind of distraction and honestly tries to assimilate what is being said. Listening is done for a variety of reasons like, some people listen to learn, to be informed, or to get entertained and it depends upon the context of the communication. In relationship, we listen empathetically, as at some point of time everyone wants to vent out their feelings and problems to someone who will listen. We also listen to understand a person who is attempting to speak emotionally, and intellectually. Listening is of two types, where one listens to understand and the other is where one listens to respond. In cases, where people listen to understand the relationship is smoother and cordial. Active and empathetic listening is the life of any relationship. When we pay heed to other people, they feel respected, cared and often less defensive. By listening we convey our concern to them. Good listeners are less judgmental and provide a safe environment for the speakers. Active listening is a cornerstone of any relationship and cultivates intimacy when combined with empathy. This means that we are fully present and reflective on how we listen to the person. The person who speaks does not want a solution always, but they need someone to listen with humility and empathy. Human being always has a tendency to be seen, heard and understood in a relationship. A little bit of active listening from time to time profoundly nourishes the relationship.

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