Descriptive type questions-
a) What are the different types of listening?

b) What do you mean by listening process?

c)  List the importance of listening skills.

d) Write down the barriers of effective listening.

Objective type questions-
a)         Listening is ……… Sounds through ears.

b)         Hearing is a ……… Process.

c)         Critical listening is .....

[A]  The rejection of a message.

[B]  The practice of detecting flaws in a speech.

[C]  Negative judgments listeners develop during speech.

[D]  Careful scrutiny of ideas and logical elements of a speech

d)   Listening to a speech with an open mind means:

[A]  Listening in order to learn.

[B]  Listening in order to quote the speaker later,

[C]  Replacing your outdated knowledge with the new information

[D]  To criticize the speaker.

e) Hearing is effortless, but listening is mindful and intentional. (True/False)

f)  Evaluative listening improves a relationship. (True/False)

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