Non-verbal communication, like body language and facial expressions, play a vital role at the time of interviews. The first impression about a person is formed mostly based on the body language, and the actual verbal content has a meagre role in it. In short, it is ‘Action speaks louder than words.’ Professionally dressing oneself way with neatly groomed hair and a formal outfit is what is needed to create a first visual impression with the interviewer. The documents and testimonies which you carry should be arranged professionally in a proper portfolio. After entering the company, a polite and professional approach should be adopted. During the time of interview, the sitting posture should be proper. One should sit straight and avoid slouching at the same time, appear natural and confident. Avoid fidgeting with your pen or anything else. Make proper eye contact, be polite and keep an even tone in your speech. Listen carefully and do not interrupt when the interviewer is speaking. Non-verbal communication has a significant role in making or breaking a job opportunity.

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