Communication, in general, is classified into two types as Verbal Communication and Non- Verbal Communication. Verbal communication is that which is done with the use of words, whereas non-verbal communication is done without the use of words. Non-verbal communication is the oldest means of communication which originated since the existence of human beings. This was the early stage of communication, where man communicated through sounds and symbols. Non-verbal communication includes body language, postures, gestures, glances, etc. It is the vital aspect of the communication process, as a lot of meaning can be conveyed even without uttering a word. Non-verbal communication is a dynamic and effective process where the sender and the receiver use commonly used symbols and codes. For instance, a smile or nodding of the head can convey message lucidly without the use of words.

Importance of non-verbal communication-
Non-Verbal communication is subtle yet more effective than verbal communication. It plays a significant role in the process of communication, as nearly 93% of meaning relies on the non-verbal cues. The rest of the information is conveyed through appearance, postures, tone and facial expressions. Verbal messages are voluntary, which come from the mind and could be manipulated accordingly, while non-verbal signals are involuntary which come from the heart and cannot be controlled consciously. In some cases, this is even more important than the words spoken by an individual. It can have a great impact on the listener and the outcome of the communication. Thus, it conveys the actual attitude and feelings of the sender. Hence, it is vital to recognize the features and importance of non-verbal communication to become a better communicator.

Functions of Non-Verbal Communication-
Non-Verbal communication is strongly related to verbal communication as it reinforces the message conveyed through words. It also serves as a substitute or complement to clarify verbal meaning. This helps one understand the emotional state or the feelings of the communicator. Non-Verbal communication reinforces the relationship between two people and helps them feel more connected. Besides this, subtle non-verbal signals like a smile, nodding of the head, eye contact, etc regulate the flow of communication. There are instances where non-verbal communication is used to contradict the message and thus to indicate the listener that you are sarcastic or not telling the truth.

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