Descriptive type questions-

a)         Write a short note on the elements of communication.

b)         Discuss briefly the importance of non-verbal communication during a presentation.

c)         Define briefly the types of non-verbal communication.

d)         Explain the role of non-verbal communication in an interview.

Objective type questions-

a)  An upright body posture conveys …..

[A]  Fear            [B] Shyness    [C] Confidence           [D] Intelligence

b)  Which of these is not an appropriate non-verbal communication at work place?

[A]  Giving a firm handshake .....

[B]  Putting arms around a co-worker’s shoulder

[C]  Looking at the speaker with a smile

[D]  Standing with an upright posture

c)  Kinesics is the study of …..

d)   ….. is the study of time in communication.

e)   Personal appearance is not an element of non-verbal communication. (True/False)

f)  Pitch variation is included in the personal appearance of a person. (True/False)

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