Part- A (Fill in the blanks and True/False type)

(1) JavaScript's interaction with HTML is handled through …........
(2) On submit event is called when we …………… form ……… to server.
(3) .................. event is triggered when the HTML element is changed.
(4) Name two events that are triggered when keyboard is used.
(5) JavaScript …… are containers for property and methods.
(6) Object ……........ are also known as keys.
(7) [function]Methods are ……….. that let the object do something.
(8) ......................... operator is used to create an instance of object.
(9) ……………… is done to make sure that all mandatory fields are filled.
(10) Final validation is mostly done at ………. Event. 
(11) ……………. is done to ensure that valid data is entered.
(12) Cookies are data that ………. has sent to client’s computer.
(13) Name the 5 variable length fields of cookies.
(14) JavaScript Cookies are stored inside …….. object.
(15) Cookies are store as ……… pairs separated by semicolon.
(16) Cookies are deleted by setting the expiry date to …………….
(17) JavaScript is a combination of ………..
(18) HTML is a …….. language
(19) CSS stands for ……
(20) HTML DOM methods are ……. we perform on HTML elements.
(21) ..... is the syntax to change the style of an element.
(22) JavaScript is used to validate data at client’s computer before sending it to server. (True/False)
(23) Page load is also an event. (True/False).
(24) On click event can be used for page validation. (True/ False).
(25) CSS selector is an HTML element. (True/False)
(26) getElementById is a method. (True/False)
(27) innerHTML property is used to change or get the contents of elements. (True/ False)
(28) Cookies re plain text files. (True/ False)
(29) JavaScript arrays are objects. (True/False)
(30) We can create object as var stud = new object(); (True/False)

Part- B (Descriptive type)

(a) Which event is fired when a document and all of its external resources are fully loaded and displayed to the user?
(b) What are the Event Handlers in JavaScript?
(c) Which syntax is used to describe elements in CSS? 
(d) Which of the following can be used to select HTML elements based on the value of their name attributes? 
(e) Explain JavaScript objects. 
(f) What is JavaScript standard objects?
(g) What is InnerHTML Property in JavaScript? 
(h) What are Cookies in JavaScript?


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