• JavaScript is a client-side as well as server-side scripting language.
• JavaScript is an Interpreted programming language.
• JavaScript is also an Object based Programming language.
• JavaScript code is place inside <script></script> tags. 
• JavaScript is a “loosely typed” language, which means that you don't have to explicitly declare what type of data the variables are. You just need to use the var keyword to indicate that you are declaring a variable, and the interpreter will work out with its associated properties.
• JavaScript is case sensitive.
• You can define strings in JavaScript by enclosing the text in single quotes or double quotes. Ex: var name=’Anika’; or var name=”Anika”;
• For … in statement is used to access object properties.
• You can find number of elements in array using array.length property.
• Functions can be defined using function keyword: function fn_name{}
• Object is an entity having some methods and some properties

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