Part- A (Fill in the blanks and True/False type questions)
a) We can change an html element attribute using …… method.
b) Variables are declared using … keyword.
c) Javascript variables can hold values of ………
d) We can check length of string var message as: 
e) Syntax of logical comparison operator is:
f) pop() method of array removes the ….. element of array.
g) The code inside loop block for(i=1;i<5;i++) will be executed …. times.
h) alert() is an inbuilt ……. of javascript.
i) An object can be defined using …. Keyword.
j) Object.color is a (property/method).
k) document.write() is a (property/method)
l) Identifiers are combination of ………. and ………
m) Literals contain ….. values.
n) Break, continue, new are some JavaScript ………..
o) Boolean literals contain value 0 and 1 (True/False).
p) Interpretation of code is done at run time. (True/False)
q) Lowercase and uppercase variables are treated as same variables in javascript. (True/False)
r) By using Array.length method we can also find number of elements in array. (True/False)
s) The condition statement in a do while loop is written at the end of block. (True/False)
t) Object is a collection of property and methods. (True/ False)

Part- B (Descriptive type questions)
a) Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript?
b) What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called “myscript.js”? 
c) How can one create an Object in JavaScript?
d) How can you read properties of an Object in JavaScript?
e) How can you build an Array in JavaScript?
f) How to read elements of an array in JavaScript?
g) Which built-in method returns the length of the string?
h) Which built-in method removes the last element from an array and returns that element?
i) What is a method in JavaScript?
j) Define function in JavaScript.


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