The new features and elements of HTML5 are easily integrated with multimedia and graphical content of web. If we are using HTML5 in the web then flash and third-party plug-in are not necessary to use. Following are some most important features of HTML5. 
• Semantic Elements- 
<header>, <footer>, <section>.  
• Forms 2.0-
It is improved version of HTML web forms where new attributes can be introduced with <input> tag.
• Persistent Local Storage-
To achieve without resorting to third-party plug-ins. 
• Web Socket-  
It is used in web application for new-generation bidirectional communication technology.
• Server-Sent Events-
Events that connect web server to the web browsers.
• Canvas-
It supports a two-dimensional drawing surface, which can be in the program of JavaScript.
• Audio & Video-
Without resorting to third-party plug-in, Audio and video can be embedded in webpage. With the help of audio control, browser gives user to playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback.
Example- (Running audio on the webpage) 
<audio src="song.ogg" controls="controls">
This particular browser does not support the <audio> tag.
Example- (Running video on the webpage)
<video src="movie.ogg"  width="320" height="240”>
This browser does not support the <video> tag.
• Geo location-
The user can find and share their physical location using web application. 
• Micro data-
User can create his own vocabularies and extend his web pages along the custom semantics.
• Drag and drop-
User can Drag and drop the items from one place to another place in any webpage.
• Placeholder text-
• Specific text input: email, URL, number, search-


• Slider-
• Input: E-mail-
User can use INPUT TYPE =”email”. This format of email type is mainly used for input. After submitting the form the E-Mail field value is validated automatically as follows-
E-mail: <input type="email" name="user_email"/>

• Date picker-
• User Agent validation

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