HTML5 is an advance version of HTML. This new HTML5 standard is better than HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, and XHTML 1.1. We can present and structure the content on the World Wide Web (WWW) through HTML5 standard. It is a previous version HTML 4, and it was modified & standardized in 1997. On 28 October 2014, it was released.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) has developed HTML5. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community. It consists of full-time staff, Member organizations and the public.  They work together to develop international Web standards. This fifth revised version of the HTML is the complete and final standard of the World Wide

Web Consortium (W3C). The new standard of HTML5 includes following features-
• video playbacks
• audio playback 
• Drag-and-drop which is previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins (such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Google Gears). 
• Generally, all latest browsers support HTML5. Most of the HTML5 features and functionality is used by the latest version of following Browsers- Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 9.0, Opera, and etc.

As well as the latest mobile web browsers support the features and functionality of HTML5. These HTML5 supported mobile web browsers are excellent and which are pre-installed on iPads, iPhones, and Android phones.  HTML5 initiated many new elements and attributes. These features are very useful to develop a modern responsive website.

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