Descriptive type questions-

a) What is HTML5? How is different from HTML4? What are its characteristics? Explain.
b) What are the different Support Elements of HTML5? Explain.
c) What do you understand by Semantics? Explain the difference between Semantic and non-semantic element? Give example.
d) What are the major benefits of HTML5? How will you migrate from HTML4 to HTML5? Explain. 
e) Explain different Style Guide Media? Give proper syntax or example.
f) What are the different tips and tricks of Sample Web Page Designing? Explain. 
g) What is the importance of Div tag in HTML? How is it used? Give suitable example.
h) What do understand by the Responsive web design? What is the effect of responsive web design? How it will affect the look and feel of your web page? Explain. 
i) What is the difference between Static and Dynamic Websites? How Dynamic website is better than the Static web site? Explain.
j) What are the advantage and disadvantages of static and dynamic web site? Explain with help of some example.

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