Generally, we categories websites into two types- Static Website and Dynamic Website. The static website is normally written using HTML/CSS (without use of database) and its pages are displayed to the user. On the other hand, a dynamic website is written by means of a server-side scripting language e.g. JSP, PHP, ASP, or ColdFusion (must use database).

Static Website-

This type of web site is very easy to create. Web developer doesn’t need any web programming and database design/ database connectivity to create a static website. This type of web page is prepared in HTML. The HTML code is fixed for each page. Therefore, the information contained in the page does not change dynamically.


Some points about static website are-

• It’s every page can differ. 
• Layout of every page can be designed in a different way as per the content.  
• The designer is free to mention any special effects which may be demanded by the client in a unique way on different pages. 
• It is also called informational website. 
• It cannot interact to visitors during web surfing.
• Modification of the content is one of the key problem.
• If you have to change anything on the website then you have to contact to the designer to have any content changes made.
• Static web pages are not scalable. If you are selling products on your site and you have a lot of products then you may have to construct individual pages for each product, then it will take considerable time, cost and effort for web development.

Dynamic Websites- 

This type website accesses content from a database or Content Management System (CMS). If you modify or alter the content of the database, simultaneously the content of the website is also altered or modified. It uses client-side scripting or server-side scripting or both and also generates dynamic content. On the basis of user input, Client side scripting generates content at the client computer and Server Side Scripting creates script for the server. In server side  scripting, the software runs on the server.  When the processing in the server is completed then plain pages are sent to the user as responses. The client web browser downloads the web page from the server. After that it processes the code within the web page to render information to the user.


Some points about dynamic website are-

• Companies can develop their product pages or categories of related item or products sorted in a variety of different ways depending on how the client wants to view them.
• User can easily pull in information in an organized and structured way.
• We can create a content management system due to the ability to connect to a database.
• The Costs of the dynamic website is higher initially than for a static site.

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