CSS was first proposed by Hakon Wium Lie On October 10, 1994. Lie is known as the father of HTML at CERN, who has worked with Tim Berners. Becaopt of his contribution in CSS Hakon Wium Lie is also called as father of CSS. When CSS was first proposed in the year 1994, it was well thought-out as a web styling language, so as to solve some HTML 4 problems. Other than CSS there was some styling languages proposed at that time. Some of them are Style Sheets for HTML and JSS. But CSS was better than them all.

W3C developed CSS level 2 (also called CSS 2) specifications and also published it as a recommendation in May 1998. A number of new capabilities were also included in CSS 2 which is as follows- Absolute, Bidirectional text, Concept of media type, fixed, new font properties such as shadows, positioning, z-index

Although, in 1998 CSS3 was started but some of its parts are in development stage while some of its components work on some of the browsers. On June 1999, it got published. Several separate documents in which CSS3 is divided are called modules. All the new capabilities or extended features added by each module are distinct in CSS2.

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