• Div- A block level container (or 'division' of the web page) for content with no semantic meaning.
• Head- Tag that surrounds important content that is invisible to the user, but is important to the browser. Elements within this tag contain metadata about the page and links to style sheets, scripts, etc.
• id- An HTML element can have an id attribute to identify it. id elements should always be unique to that single element, and each element should never have more than one id. As- <div id="Detail_Sch">School Details</div>
• Body- The body is the container for all of the page’s content, Comes after the <head> tag, within the overall <html> tag.
• Comments- HTML comments are sometimes used in code to explain parts of the markup. They are similar to comments in other languages. Users do not see comments in their browser.
• Horizontal rules- This tag creates a black line one pixel thick that runs the all the way across its container. As- <hr>

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