Domain Name-
Every computer has its unique address. Every computer user using the internet has unique addresses through which we can easily identify them, more specifically, with the help of their IP addresses we may connect to their location very easily. In practice, it is used to recognize IP addresses. The key role of domain names comes in existence when we need to reach to some particular web pages. In the web URL “www.railway.com” the domain name is railway.com. Few standard top-level domains are created to segregate the related contents. Few domains’ names are given below:

com – Commercial business
edu – Educational institution
gov – Government agencies
mil – Military
org – Organizations (non profit)
There are also some additional domains on internet. They include:
aero – Air-transport industry
biz – Businesses
coop – Cooperatives
tv – Television
info – Unrestricted use

Web Browser-
Web browser is software which enables user to access documents, images, videos, audio, and video from the World Wide Web (www). Example of a web browser are- Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE), Mozilla Firefox, Opera Mini, Google Chrome and etc.

Email is an electronic mail that electronically transmitted through the computer. It has the capability to send message to anyone and at any time. All the emails are unique in itself that is the reason why email addresses already in use can not allowed to new users.
FTP stands for file transfer protocol and provides a file transfer over the internet. It is the standard method to upload or download file over internet from one location to another.

Homepage is the first page of the browser or any website that give the details about the web site and browser.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)-
HTTP is an acronym for hyper text transfer protocol. It is the standard protocol which is applied to view the web pages in web browsers. It is the set of rules by which web pages are transferred across the internet.

Internet Protocol (IP)-
IP stands for Internet Protocol. Each computer on internet can be identified by the set of dot separated four numbers and is called as Internet Protocol. One of the example of IP address is which is composed of four different numbers separated by periods is

Link or Hypertext Link-
Link or hyperlink is an underline words, phrases or graphics on a web page that transfer control from one page to another page of information. That information is linked together with the help of hyperlinks and collectively gives rise to World Wide Web.

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