WWW, this is abbreviation of World Wide Web and also known as web. It came into existence 1991. The father of www is Tim Berners Lee in the European laboratory.  In June 1993, the web boasted just 130 sites and in the next year, this was 3000 sites and at the last of April 1998, this became 2.2 million. 1

Just as each household in the world has unique address, same as each web page in the world has a unique Internet address, sometimes called a URL. For example, the internet address of windows home page is http://www.microsoft.com//windows. Some important terms related to Internet are-

• Download- To copy data from remote computer to a local computer.
• Upload- To send data from a local computer to a remote computer.
• Filter- Software that allows targeted sites to blocked from view. 
• Home Page- This is beginning page of any site. 
• Email (Electronic Mail)- 
• HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)¬- This is used to create documents for use on the World Wide Web.
• Search Engine- A web server that collects data from other web servers, it provides links to pages that contain the object of your search.
• TCP/IP- This is also known transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP basically used for communication language or protocol for Internet. When you make up connection to Internet, your computer provides a copy of TCP/IP program to all other computer who wants to communicate.  
• URL (Uniform Resource Locator)- Every server on the Internet has an IP number that IP number divided into four parts separated by dots. IP number is the server address.
• However, it is difficult to remember than to alphabet address. So address make in form of alphabet called URL. A URL indicates where the web page is stored on the Internet. A URL look like
• https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/t/tcpip.htm
• http://www.tutorialspoint.com/design_and_analysis_of_algorithms/index.htm
• telnet://well.sf.ca.us  



Domains divide a World Wide Web site into category based on the nature (geographical or location) of their owner and they form a part of sites address. Some important domains are 

Table 4.1: Some important domain names


For instance, www.nios.ac.in is the domain name of a host computer named nios in the academic area (.ac) belongs to geographical domain India (.in).


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