“The network of networks is called an internet”. 
“The Internet or simply the Net is a worldwide network of computer networks. It is an interconnection of large and small networks around the world”. We will discuss common internet terms to help you understand the relationship of various Internet technologies.

Important terms used in Internet-

World Wide Web (WWW)  1
WWW is the abbreviation of World Wide Web.  The World Wide Web is a set of electronic documents (called web pages) that are attached together like a spider web. These web pages are saved on computer and those computers are called server which are located around all over the world.

Web Server
A Web Server is responsible for stores web pages and it is also responsible for accepting request(s) from host computer and serves them with web pages. Two main web server application are: IIS (Internet Information server) and Apache, etc. Web servers are connected to the Internet all the time.

Hyperlink is an icon, graphic, or text in a document that links to another file or object. It is an electronic document that connected to another place in the same document or to an entirely different document. Hyperlinks usually display as underlined text and in an altered colour, but they may also appear as graphics, such as buttons to click. Hyperlinks may be used to connect another place in the same document, or another page, to play an audio or video file, to download a file, to set up a message to an e-mail address, and to connect the other Internet resources.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
It  is  a language that consists of certain key  words called ‘Tags’, used for  writing the documents on  the web. We will discuss in Unit 6 of this book.

Web Page
A web  page (such as the one  you  are looking at now) is  an electronic document written in  a computer language called HTML  (Hypertext Markup Language).Web pages can contain text, graphics, video, animation, and sound, as well  as interactive features,  such as data entry forms. Each page has a unique address known as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that identifies its location on the server. Web pages usually contain hyperlinks to other web pages.

A website (often shortened to just site) is one or more web   pages, belonging to a particular company, institute, government or an individual. The first page is called the home page, which acts like an index, indicating the content on the site. By default the home page is named as index.htm. From the home page, you can click hyperlinks to access other web pages.

Evolution of the Internet- 
The process of development of internet was initiated in 1969, when U.S. Department of Defence initiated a project named Advance Research Project Network (ARPANET).  The major purpose of the ARPANET model was to develop a continuous communication channel for researchers of different universities by creating computer network which can link computers at different university and U.S. defence. ARPANET was initiated with a small number of computers but it expanded rapidly as the huge number of researchers from hundreds of colleges and universities started sharing information’s and data through its networks. 
Then in mid 80’s another central organization, the National Science Foundation, created a new, more superior and high power network called NSFnet. Later, large number of personal companies started their own networks, which were later interrelated along with ARPANET and NSFnet to form internet and its protocols to ensure transferring of information over the world wide network as unread.

Purpose of the Internet-
Internet has been the mainly helpful technology of the modern times which helps us not only in our day by day life, but also our private and professional lives developments. The internet gives us achieve this in various different ways. For the students and institutional purposes the internet is broadly used to gather information so as to do the research or add to the information of various subjects. Even in the business fields and the professionals like doctors, access the internet to filter the compulsory knowledge for their use. The internet is therefore the major encyclopaedia for every person, in all age categories. The internet has offers to be more helpful in maintaining contacts with relatives who live abroad permanently. Some of the typical tasks that Internet can perform. As-

• Transfer files as well as software.2
• Browse through information on any topic on web.
• Communicate in real time (chat) with others connected to the Internet.
• Search databases of government, individuals and organizations.
• Read news available from leading news groups.
• Send or receive animation and picture files from distant places.
• Set   up a site with information about your company’s products and services.

Benefits of the Internet-
• Exchange messages using e-mail (Electronic mail).
• 24 hours a day and 7 days a week internet is available.
• Transfer files as well as software. 
• Browse through information on any topic on web. 
• Communicate in real time (chat) with others connected to the Internet. 
• Search databases of government, individuals and organizations.
• Read news available from leading news groups. 
• Send or receive animation and picture files from distant places. 
• Set up a site with information about your company’s products and services.

Boundaries of Internet- 

• Theft of personal information
If you use internet, your personal information such as your name, address, credit card, bank details and other information can be accessed by unauthorized person.
• Negative effects on family communication 
It is generally observed that due to more time spent on Internet, there is a decrease in communication and feeling of togetherness among the family members.
• Internet addiction
There is some controversy over whether it is possible to actually be addicted to the Internet or not. Some researchers claim that it is simply people trying to escape their problems in an online world.
• Children using the Internet
It has become a big concern. Most parents do not realize the dangers involved when their children log onto the Internet. When children talk to others online, they do not realize they could actually be talking to a harmful person. Moreover, pornography is also a very serious issue concerning the Internet, especially when it comes to young children. There are many pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a detriment to letting children uses the Internet.
• Virus threat
Today, not only are humans getting viruses, but computers are also. Computers are mainly getting these viruses from the Internet. Virus is a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk.

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