Part- A (Fill in the blanks and True/False type questions)

(a) The World Wide Web is a collection of electronic documents called web pages.
(b) Web server is known as web page that connects to another place in the same document or to an entirely different document.
(c) Electronic Mail is a paperless method of sending messages.
(d) File Transfer Procedure is a commonly used protocol for exchanging files over any network.
(e) ..... is a network protocol used on the Internet.
(f) ......refers to the mail server.
(g) A search engine is a program designed to ......stored on a computer.
(h) ........ is the standard for resolving names to addresses.

Part- B (Descriptive type questions)
(1) Explain the different types of connections available to get connect to Internet.
(2) Define the following terminologies used in Internet; WWW, Hyperlink, Web page, Website and URL.
(3) Yahoo and Hotmail offer free-email registration. Go to any of these sites and open an e-mail account in your name. Send an e-mail to a friend whose address you know.
(4) What is search engine? Mention two important search engines available on the Internet? What are essential orders to use to get the finest results while searching?


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