Descriptive type questions-

a) Discuss the basic Telephone skills required for effective communication.
b) What are the different types of e-mail we are using? Explain each.
c) What is the difference between CC and BCC in e-mail writing?
d) Discuss the importance of telephone and e-mail communication.
e) What are the basic telephone skills we need for effective communication? Explain in details.
f) What do you understand by Question skills in connection to Telephone communication?
g) Telephone and E-mail Etiquette plays an important role in our business. Explain.
h) What do you mean buffer words? When are these buffer words used in communication?
i) What is a mail server and what is its importance in e-mail communication?
j) What are the different types of e-mail used in our daily life? Explain each.
k) What is E-mail address? What are its components?
l) What type of files normally used as an attachment with any e-mail communication?
m) Write short notes on: [i] Rapport through empathy [ii] Feedback Signal [iii] Telephone etiquettes [iv] E-mail etiquettes.

Objective type questions-
a) Telephone is a device used for .....
b) Telephone was invented by .....
c) E-mail is a ......
d) E-mail was first introduced by ..... in India.
e) ..... is universally known as creator of e-mail. 
f) ARPANET is a Research Organization. (True / False).
g) Direct e-mail refers to one-to-many communication. (True / False)
h) E-mail address contains @ character to specify domain name. (True / False)
i) If BCC is used while sending a mail then, the TO or CC fields will also know that a copy sent to these addresses. (True / False)
j) Feedback Signals refers to the response to the caller during a telephone conversation. (True / False)

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