All reports need to be clear, concise and well structured. The key to writing an effective report is to allocate time for planning and preparation. With careful planning, the writing of a report will be made much easier.

Stage 1: Understanding the report in brief
You need to understand the purpose of your report as described in your report brief or instructions. Consider who the report is for and why it is being written.

Stage 2: Gathering and selecting information
Here, you need to begin to gather relevant information. Your information may come from a variety of sources, but how much information you will need will depend on how much detail is required in the report. Keep referring to your report brief to help you decide what relevant information is.

Stage 3: Organizing your material
Begin by grouping together points that are related. These may form sections or chapters. Choose an order for your material that is logical and easy to follow.

Stage 4: Analyzing your material
It is not enough to simply present the information you have gathered; you must relate it to the problem or issue described in the report brief.

Stage 5: Writing the report
Having organized your material into appropriate sections and headings, you can begin to write the first draft of your report. You may find it easier to write the summary and contents page at the end when you know exactly what will be included.

Here you may plan for-
To introduce the main idea of the chapter/section/paragraph.
To explain and expand the idea, defining any key terms.
To present the relevant evidence to support your point(s).
To comment on each piece of evidence showing how it relates to your point(s).
To conclude your chapter/section/paragraph by either showing its significance to the report as a whole or making a link to the next chapter/section/paragraph.

Stage 6: Reviewing and redrafting
Ideally, you should leave time to take a break before you review your first draft. Be prepared to rearrange or rewrite sections in the light of your review. Try to read the draft from the perspective of the reader. It is easy to follow with a clear structure that makes sense.

Stage 7: Presentation
If you are satisfied with the content and structure of your redrafted report, you can turn your attention to the presentation.

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