To understand the project proposal, this is necessary to know about the ‘project’, at first. Projects are unique kind of letters which creates the inimitable and special product and service. It is not long lasting, having specific objectives. It is clearly defined and describable. It would be better to say that project has a finite length and requires some amount of work to be performed.  A successful project requires the end product or result to be well-understood before the project begins.
A project proposal is used early in the project life cycle to describe the project vision, timeframes, and deliverables so that to know what has to be done and by when. Also, delivers all the information that is needed for the success of completion of the project.

Project Proposal Tips-
• Keep it Simple/Estimate.
• Make a Hypothesis. 
• Include an Appendix for extra information.
• Outline the Budget.
• Include deadlines and set realistic expectations about when stakeholders should expect to see results.
• Tailor it to whom you’re writing for. Keep this in mind while drafting a proposal.

After approval of the proposal by that sponsor to whom it is written, the project proposal document would be useful. And then the project officially starts. According to the goal, it is needed to identify the correct format which is most appropriate for the respective audience; this can be a customer, a funding agency, or an end user. So, what makes a project unique, creating and delivering and makes it a good project proposal. Here many kinds of proposals are written according to their field.
• Basic Business Proposal
• Development Project Proposal
• Construction Project Proposal
• NGO Project Proposal
• Student Project Proposal
• Research Project Proposal
• Business Project Proposal
• Community Project Proposal

Sample Project Proposal for Funding-

[1] Proposal summary
Proposal summary consists of two or three paragraphs summarising the key points or objectives of the project. It should have sufficient detail and specifics. 
This section may be the last one that you complete as it is a synopsis of the entire proposal.
[2] Introduction/overview of your business or organization
Here you include a biography of key staff, your business track record (success stories) institution goals and philosophy; essentially why your company should be selected for the proposed grant/research. 
Include also all valid industry certifications (ISO or Quality Certifications), licences and business and indemnity insurance details.
You need to show that your company or organisation has the capacity and the ability to meet all deliverables form both an execution perspective but also meet all legal, safety and quality obligations. 
[3] Problem statement or Needs analysis/assessment
This is especially for the purpose of the grant proposals. In the problem statement, you explain who will benefit and how the solution will be implemented. 
[4] Project objectives
It includes details of the desired outcome and how success will be measured. This section is key to providing information on the benefits of grantee, community, and government.
Key performance indicators need to be articulated and explained with specific measurements details. 
[5] Project design
Skills needed for success, what additional facilities, transport and support services needed to deliver the project and defined measures for success. Good project management discipline and methodologies with detailed requirements specified and project schedule is a must.
[6] Project evaluation
It covers product evaluation and process evaluation. Also, include the time-frame needed for evaluation and who will do the evaluation, including the specific skills.
[7] Future funding / Self sustainability
This section of your grant proposal is for funding requirements that go beyond the project, total cost of ownership including ongoing maintenance, business, as usual, operational support and may require you to articulate the projected ongoing costs (if any) for at least 5 years.
An accurate cost model includes all factors including inflation, specialist skills, ongoing training, and potential future growth, decommissioning expenses when the project or the product reaches the end of life, all need to factor into this section.
[8] Project budget
How much money is required to be funded to deliver the results? Provide full justification for all expenses including a table of services (or service catalogue). Remember that the project budget section is the true meat of your grant proposal. 
Note- Bonus tips for writing a grant proposal:
• You must have a good understanding of the proposed plan/ proposal.
• You should become closely familiar with all of the criteria related to the program for which a grant is being sought.
• Be a good project manager, know how to plan, lead, and deliver projects.
• Understand the organization that is providing the funds, understand their goals and align your proposal to them.
• Ensure that your idea or service is unique and not already funded by other government or private grants or is already implemented.
• Ensure that the benefits generated from the grant are tangible, measurable, benefit a wide spectrum of your community, and are a good value for the money invested.

Basic project proposal sample-



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