In the business world, proposal is an important document that ploughs the initial relationship between organizations and customers. The proposal frames the extensive information in such a way that can achieve the goal to write this proposal. It is helpful to eliminate the stones by including the information. A proposal is used by the sales person to meet the specific needs required by the customers. It seems like an estimation but estimation and proposal both are different documents. For small businesses, it may be the same. Nevertheless, it is vital to remember that proposals are always first and foremost sales document. It is an offer to finally manage to get what you want in an argument or business agreement.

• According to the British English dictionary “A proposal is a plan or an idea, often a formal or written one, which is suggested for people to think about and decide upon.”
• Wallace and Van Fleet say that "A proposal is a form of persuasive writing; every element of every proposal should be structured and tailored to maximize its persuasive impact." 
In a nutshell, a proposal is a document that is prepared for a prospective customer to persuade the prospect to adopt the solution to a problem or the fulfilment of a need proffered in the proposal. Proposals are written for both private and public sector organizations.”

Characteristics of a proposal-
• A proposal is an informative document.
• A proposal may be used as a report. 
• A proposal is written in a structured form.
• It impacts persuasive writing.
• It identifies the strategy of an organization.
• It is helpful to outline the plan/ research design.

Proposal and Proposal Writing-
a) A proposal is a document whereas writing proposal is a process.
b) A proposal contains all important information about organization whereas writing a proposal is a thinking and persuasive process.
c) Proposals are of many types whereas writing proposal contains many steps.
d) A proposal is an already prepared form (or a complete document) whereas proposal writing needs skill requirement to shape a proposal.

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